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Saturday, October 02, 2010

Podcast Note

I just want to let every one know that now that the podcast is starting up we will be post all the link and show note to the blog at let you know where to find the story we talk about.

If you want to be guest on the podcast please e-mail me at and let me know what you would like to talk if pick to be on the podcast

so keep on watching the blog and podcast in iTunes or on the website

New Goals

I want to quickly tell about our new goal of the blog with is to bring last tech new's and also i am going to start blog about more and there will also be see personal blog post here about what going on with the website and also what going around me and my life so hopeful you keep readding the blog

were also think about change name to thomsonville or should we keep this name for the blog
so let us know what you think

i also really like to see more people to comment on the blog and post on the blog on what you feel and think about as you are reading my blog post

if you a blogger and looking for a great place to put your voice out there e-mail at

and i will invite you to beable to blog here too

Please enjoy the blog

Thursday, September 30, 2010

New Roku box

Hey every there a new roku box coming and if you have hulu plus you now get a hulu channel on your tv for watch great tv show over streaming video on the internet there are still three diffent model and here they are

 I hope to see the roku box's launch in canada so i can order one for the house and now that netflix is now here we may or may not be getting it but i still hoping   

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

USA Blacklist Make's It More Like China

The USA government is now turn to a more like china to putting up blacklist for block website and this make the internet in the hold thing to connect the world together and now the so hopeful the law will not be pass and the internet will stay open for the USA

Please Tell Us What You Think About This New Law Of the US Government block website

Monday, September 27, 2010

BlackBerry PlayBook

The Brand to tablet from blackberry look for good for something that work would support and use in the Enterprise